About Our Canvas Prints

Our prints are unique. They are manufactured to your specifications and can be adapted to your requirements. After placing your order, the print will be printed immediately, packaged well and shipped within 1–4 days. Your canvas print will arrive fully assembled together with a bracket – ready to set up straight away!

Tall, skinny or square?

You can choose the shape and size of your canvas print based on what fits best on your wall. Our paintings are available in lots of sizes up to 40 inches in width and height.

canvas different sizes

Highest quality

Our canvas prints are of the highest quality and will not fade in sunlight. We use a durable canvas that is mounted on a 2-3 cm thick stretcher frame made of sustainable wood.


  • The canvas print is delivered pre-assembled

  • Canvas, 300-350 g/m²

  • Frame made of sustainable wood

  • UV-resistant print

We ship your package in 1–4 days:

Your pre–assembled canvas print will be carefully packed and delivered protected in a durable corrugated cardboard box. The package will be shipped within 1–4 days, always with free shipping.

We care about the environment

We only make products to order. This means no products are stored in a warehouse or thrown out unnecessarily. Our printing ink contains no hazardous chemicals and is biodegradable. To learn more about how we work to minimise our environmental impact, please see our
environmental policy.

Environmentally friendly materials

The canvas frame is made of wood, a material that is completely recyclable.

Climate-smart packaging

Your canvas print is shipped in a cardboard box made of fully or partially recycled materials.

Would you like to create your own wallpaper or print? Send us an image or illustration and we'll help you free of charge with no obligation to order.

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