What are cool colors?

What are cool colors – an overview

Cool colors are often used in interior design to create a room atmosphere that is relaxing and calming for its occupants. Nowadays, more and more individuals become busy and occupied with their work and other activities that they just want to go home where they can relax. There are many ways to relax when you are at home such as sleeping, watching television, reading, and others. The color of the home interior also helps in relaxing and calming the mind and body of the occupants. Studies have shown that certain colors can do this and these colors are called cool colors. Examples of these so called cool colors are blue, violet, and green. Just like water, sky and greenery, these colors are soothing and bring sense of calm to a space. They make the space feel more open adding to the calm effect. If you do not want to paint your walls with colors, you can instead try using a wallpaper or, for a more dramatic effect, a wall mural. This way, it will be easier to change colors when your preference changes.

What is the difference between warm and cool colors

In color psychology, colors have been known to have various effects to the mind and body. These are the basis on how colors are used in interior design. The use of different colors create a certain atmosphere in the home interior. For example, if you want to have a more relaxing and calming bedroom where you can sleep tightly at night, experts recommend to use color blue and other cool shades.

Cool colors recede while warm colors advance, affecting the perception of depth. This theory is based on the fact that the eye adjusts when focusing on the various wavelengths. In general, warm colors promote activity while cool colors do otherwise. Therefore, depending on how the room will be used, the application of the right colors must be noted.

Examples of cool colors and their significance

Would you agree if we say that colors does not exist in real life? It is actually the effect of electromagnetic waves registered by our brains and eyes. Still, colors play a very important role in life and we cannot imagine a life without colors. Studies have shown that colors create mood and atmosphere in the room. It is these color traits that homeowners and designers need to use in order to create the desired room atmosphere.

Examples of cool colors are blue, green and purple. Blue is an important color in interior design as it profoundly affects the mind. It instills a sense of serenity and peace and can be a very soothing color. This are the reasons why the color is ideal in the bedroom. Blue can also represent formality, especially when it is paired with white or other lighter hues. However, too much use of blue can be depressing, so use the color in ample amount to set the proper mood.

Green is associated with the color of nature. It symbolizes hope, good luck and abundance. It is a very friendly color that can be blended with many other colors.

Purple on the other hand works well with other colors. It can be paired with emerald green, and other light, complementary hues such as beige, yellow or baby pink. Ideally used in the girl’s room, purple can provide a space a dramatic and dignified appearance.

Cool color list that you can use in the kid’s room

The kid’s room, as we know it, is a haven and sanctuary for the kids. This is a place where kids can practically do anything they want such as playing, sleeping, working, studying and learning. The color that you use in their rooms can affect and influence their mood and behavior as well as stimulate their mind and encourage creativity.

Green, for instance can create a relaxing space and is often associated with nature. Lime green can add a playful air to the room’s serenity. Blue has been known to add a soothing feel to any room because it can promote a calming vibe. This color is highly recommended if your child is having a hard time sleeping.

Mixing warm and cool colors for your home interior

Adding color in your home can be challenging. You need to make them blend with each other so that the rooms will be cohesive and continuous. We do not want our rooms to look like it has been played by an amateur. For you to be able to choose the right color, remember that there are basically two types of colors, warm and cool colors. Warm colors are stimulating and ideal for social rooms such as the living room, dining room and kitchen. While cool colors have more calming effects and work best in private rooms such as the bedroom, office, and the nursery. These are the rooms where concentration, tranquility and rest are needed. Therefore, mixing warm and cool colors greatly depends on the function of the room. We did not say that you cannot use warm colors in the bedroom, but since it is a room for resting, cool colors therefore should dominate rather than warm colors.

Why cool colors the best choice for the bedroom

The bedroom as we already know is a room where relaxing and sleeping is done. It is therefore recommended to paint the rooms with cool colors to help the room occupants to have deep sleep. Even experts who deal with people with difficulty in sleeping recommend the use of cool colors, especially color blue to help them.