The Playroom Is Your Kid's Haven

Providing your child with their own space is one of the great ways to keep toys contained and a safe place to play. This is another room in the house that kids love in addition to their bedroom. Making the playroom fun and attractive may be done in many possible ways.

The playroom may be the venue for many firsts of your child. This is where they first learn their ABC’s and 123’s as well as their first steps, first words and many others. Decorating the playroom appropriately will help them in their growth and development. For example, you can apply wallpaper or wall murals with designs that would encourage them to play pretend. Examples of designs are castles, where they can pretend being a prince of princess, a nautical theme where they can be a pirate or a sea man, or even a safari design where they can pretend being in the jungle.

The most important thing is that your child will have fun staying in the playroom. In this way they will also know that learning is fun and that by the time they enter school, they will also enjoy studying.

Amazing kid’s playroom ideas

Decorating the kid’s playroom does not have to be fancy and expensive. They just need to enjoy themselves while staying, playing and learning in the playroom. Here are some interesting ideas on how to prepare the playroom for our kids:

When decorating the playroom, always consider safety. Regardless of the age of your child, safety comes first. For instance, see how you can keep your child safe from corded blinds, outlets, cabinet doors, and lead paint. Plan for these safety issues during the planning stage.

Pick the appropriate color for the playroom. Do not forget that colors have significant effect to the behavior of your child. Cool colors such as blue have calming and soothing effect to kids, while warm colors, such as red and yellow, simulate the child's body and activity. So, if you want your child to have a good night's sleep, or to be calm, you may opt to use blue or purple.

In adding furniture pieces, start with the basics. Do not forget storage solutions where they can keep their toys and other stuffs. Playroom furniture needs to be sturdy and durable but does not need to be costly.

Multipurpose kid's playroom furniture

There are many different multipurpose furniture pieces for kids that are available in the market. The addition of these pieces can help save some floor area so they may have more space to play or study.

An example is a modular furniture where kids can place their toys. This will also help them play with shapes, experiment with space and therefore understand spatial awareness. MAXintheBOX can be a chair and table combination, stools of flexible height, toys and books storage, seats for adults, or as a playtime companion.  The birch modular table-chair combination will help kids take their first steps.

Declutter with playroom storage ideas

Interestingly, the playroom may be the master of clutter in the house. There are actually three things about toys. For instance, they multiply when you are not looking, they break, and children stop playing with them eventually. As a source of clutter, there are ways to deal with toys: Throw away toys that are broken; donate those that are unused or not played with; rinse and repeat every couple of months.

How to design a safe toddler playroom

One of the first things to consider in making the playroom safe for toddlers are the furniture and windows. Make sure that the furniture will not fall and land on your toddler. Be sure that the TV and dresser are sturdy enough to stay put. Also consider a mesh window guard or window stopper.

Toddlers are unpredictable and have the tendency to put things in their mouths. Make sure to rid the room of any choking hazards when your are toddler proofing the room.

Use outlet plugs to baby proof those outlets. Another safe way is to install a safe plate for your electric outlet. You may want to be a bit more secure in the toddler’s room as toddlers love to experiment and try out things on their own. Especially when you are not watching.

Do not forget to add a safety gate at the top of the stairs because once your toddler can get out of bed, she may wander our of her room and down the stairs. This can be dangerous is your kid is not good at going down the stairs yet.

If your are up to it, invest in a video monitor to monitor all the activities of your child.