Home devices which will make your kitchen and bathroom smarter

Remember Jetsons or Astroboy? Twenty years ago, the concepts in these cartoon shows seem impossible. Thanks to technological advancement, things that we thought unattainable are now reality. Create a smart kitchen and bathroom with home devices and you will be truly proud of your own home. Here are some tips on how to achieve that dream.

Create a smart kitchen and bathroom with home devices and you will be truly proud of your own home. Here are some tips on how to achieve that dream.
Home devices which will make your kitchen and bathroom smarter

Smarter kitchen and bathroom with home devices

When we were young, we always dreamt of having a house just like in the futuristic television shows and movies. Automated doors, lights, television, room temperature, even the temperature of the shower. Of course in the past these things are only possible in the movies. However, due to advancement in technology, we can now have the devices that can make a smart home. Believe it or not that these home automation can be controlled with remote controls, smart phones, or even by voice and sound commands. You can even control them remotely! How cool is that!

Just like in any other dream, no matter how little or great they are, achieving them is not that easy. It will take a lot of time, money and patience to help you learn and be well versed with the technology. Smart kitchen and bathroom will not only be impressive but also will make your life easier.

Interesting ideas for a smarter kitchen and bathroom

Whether the whole house or a particular room, incorporating smart devices would always be a good ideas to make your life easier. Here are some smart home devices that are creating changes in the bathroom and kitchen:

1. Your personal kitchen assistant – in all the rooms of your house, the kitchen is the place where you need most of the helping hand. A robot nicknamed Mykie (My kitchen elf) is available to assist you in food preparation. The small robot can answer cooking questions with the use of voice control, or touch screen. It can even show recipes through its projector onto the wall. If you need help with cooking, Mykie can help you with the step to step process of cooking a dish. The robot can also provide you with the inventory of the contents of your refrigerator.

2. Shower head with light show – tired with the routine morning rituals. This shower head with incorporated light show will provide you with exciting shower. The shower head comes with various multicolored lights as well as spray selection. With the use of a certain application, you can also play integrate it with your smart phone for a music. Who says that having shower is boring? Now you get exciting entertainment while freshening up.

3. Automated self cleaning toilet – imagine the possibility of not cleaning your toilet and avoiding the use of cleaning agents. With the invention of hi-tech toilet, it cleans itself through thermal self cleaning. It also has a built in bidet for both male and female. The water spray from the bidet can also be programmed through a touchscreen remote.

4. Smart refrigerator – this kitchen appliance is created by popular refrigerator companies. It allows you to check the status of the contents of the refrigerator through your phone. Ice, amount of other food stocks, this home appliance will properly inform you through your smart phone. This is important especially when you are doing your groceries.

5. Digital broiler and smoker – this technology easily smokes many food types. It is also a Wi-Fi capable electric smoker that uses applications and notifications to cook perfect smoked food.

Tips before creating your smart home kitchen and bathroom

Of course, we do not want you to just purchase and install any device even if you do not need it or even if it does not suitable to your home. Here are some tips on how to properly create a smart kitchen and bath:

1. Consider the type of dwelling – how large or small is your dwelling place? Do you live in an apartment or a house? Certain devices may not be appropriate for houses with large toilet and bath or kitchen for they may not function properly.

2. Size of the family – Certain appliances such as the smart refrigerator is best for large families. Therefore, do not buy one if you live alone for the functions of the refrigerator will not be fully utilized.

3. Determine your lifestyle – what good are home colored lights if your are not home most of the time. You might as well get a smart alarm to help you in getting up in the morning. Other items such as the smart pot is not recommended if you usually order your meals.

Before buying these devices, consider doing the following so that you will be able to fully enjoy and utilize the worth of your money:

1. Research

2. Check different stores to compare the product and price

3. Go and buy in stores, especially if you are unfamiliar with the product. They may also demonstrate how the product works.

4. Hire an expert

5. Try the device first