Room colors and what they mean

Room colors have their own meanings

Little did we know that colors are not just something to make the surroundings or the rooms look beautiful and vibrant. Colors have their relevance to our subconscious as well. Color Psychology have studied the effects of different colors to the behavior and mood of individuals. This has been very helpful in deciding which paint color to apply on our walls or what wallpaper theme we want to decorate with. As each room in the house have their specific functions, so the appropriate color should be applied to help one when occupying them.

Room colors and their meanings

Here are some of the colors and their significance in human behavior and in interior design:

1. Orange – known to expand the thinking. Orange is a vibrant hue and reduces self-consciousness and let you express yourself with confidence. Want to feel younger? Use orange in your room. It is also a color of laughter and happiness.
2. Deep Blue – this color encourages efficiency and purifies your thinking. The color can help you cut through the clutter and discover what is important in your life. It helps the mind analyze and process things. It is believed that when you need to make a decision, you have to wear blue. Deep blue is a good color for an over sized tray, wastebasket, desk lamp or even the whole room.
3. Green – believed to increase the wealth of an individual and is associated with nature. Considered to be the color of fresh starts and growth. A green chair or table is said to help an individual recognize their own unique talents. The color also represents nourishment and encourages stability. It promotes emotional well-being and self rejuvenation.
4. Light purple – enhance your spirituality with this color. It offers a new perspective on issues about emotions. Use the color in the room to enhance compassion as well as to treat friends as family.
5. Light blue – promotes peace and tranquility and dissolves tension. The color is believed to bring ease into the home as well as harmony into relationships. Rooms in light blue help in calming aggressive tendencies and eliminates discord.
6. Bright red – known to be a stimulant color and promotes courage and fearlessness. The color will also help you boost your self confidence. However, too much red in the room can cause irritability, excitement, and agitation.
7. Yellow – the color is believed to enhance your focus and intelligence. When used in meeting rooms, yellow helps stimulate conversation and clearing the thoughts.
8. Pink – the color is known to be a girl’s color and it is a color of love. The color promotes comfort in times of need, as well as tenderness. The color is recommended in the room to increase receptivity and understanding.
9. Deep red – the color promotes passion and helps awaken the libido. The color is recommended to move through your inhibitions and emotional blocks that prevent your from freely expressing yourselves. Live your life fully and love your body with this color.
10. Aqua – use the color when you want to relax. It is a soothing color and helps you to sleep when you have trouble sleeping. The color is also recommended to areas of the house where you do meditation.