Personalizar e encomendar Preço 29 €/m²
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    A sua encomenda é enviada no prazo de 4 dias

Dance Foyer at the Opera

Live inside one of the masterpieces of the French impressionist artist renowned for his oil and acrylic paintings of ballet dancers. This Dance Foyer at the Opera Wallpaper will make your entire wall a canvas of a realism painting, transforming your entire space into a classical one. Imagine installing this kind of painting inside your area, such as your bedroom, living room, hallway, or even your office- quite aesthetic indeed. This wallpaper will decorate your space with a life-size realism painting that depicts ballerinas practicing and warming up for their performance, making your room feel like a part of the hall where the image was painted—a must-have for those who love the presence of art inside their home interior.

Create a focal point for your home interior

Homeowners often find it hard to add a centerpiece inside their space, for they find it quite challenging. Most try to paint their wall with colorful paint to make them look different, but it doesn’t have that much impact; that’s why others consider displaying a painting to make it appear to have class. That’s why this wallpaper makes an excellent focal point, for it combines the adaptable shades and a breathtaking artwork created by one of the masters of classic paintings.

What works well with Dance Foyer at the Opera Wallpaper

The neutral hues of this wallpaper bring warmth to any space you wish it to install. As you may notice in art galleries, their walls and upholsteries are painted with muted colors which help emphasize and enhance the details and appearance of the displayed artworks. Since this wallpaper exhibits a vast classical painting with neutral hues, pairing it with muted ones such as white, gray, and beige is ideal. One way to incorporate these colors is through your wall, ceiling, carpet, linen, bedsheet, or any home décor. Keep in mind that visual weight is essential when decorating any home décor such as this wallpaper.

Sobre o produto:

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1 a 4 dias úteis
Tipo de produto:
Papel de parede (também disponível como impressão em tela, poster)
Número do artigo:
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Encomendar amostras de papel de parede

Escolha a qualidade do papel de parede e receba uma amostra do mesmo diretamente na sua caixa de correio. Normalmente, o prazo de entrega é de 4 a 8 dias úteis.

Preço: 2 €/unidades


Enviamos a sua embalagem no prazo de 1 a 4 dias: O seu papel de parede é embalado cuidadosamente numa caixa de cartão resistente e enviado gratuitamente no prazo de 1 a 4 dias. Será enviado um e-mail de confirmação de entrega quando o seu papel de parede tiver sido enviado.

Podemos editar a sua imagem

Quer alterar as cores, adicionar artigos ou alterar as proporções? Os nossos hábeis artistas gráficos podem personalizar a imagem de várias formas diferentes.