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    A sua encomenda é enviada no prazo de 4 dias

Luigi Conconi

The Luigi Conconi Wallpaper will turn your wall into a dreamy artwork inspired by the late 19th century. It is a traditional art of a nebulous painting with blurred chaotic brush strokes forming a portrait of a man that looks vintage. The artist seemingly uses chalk, charcoal, and oil, creating a sense of authenticity and sophistication. It is as if you have a genuine painting in your office or home interior. The wallpaper will stand out in any room because of its museum-worthy appearance, making it ideal for homeowners who are also art enthusiasts.

Experiencing art in the 19th century through the Luigi Conconi Wallpaper

Anyone will love the nostalgic and ancient vibe of this portrait wall decal. Its earth tones closely resemble sepia colors, which are associated with memories from the past. Indeed, it is a clever addition to any vintage interior. What makes this Luigi Conconi Wallpaper even more arresting is its touch of impressionism. It comprises small visible brushstrokes and relative hues. Also, this vintage wallpaper aims to capture the moment and not the person’s details; this explains why it looks blurred or every detail is unclear. Entering your room with this wallpaper is like personally experiencing the beauty of art from an old world.

Welcoming ambiance and cozy room inspirations

This portrait wall decal uses earth tones, such as red, orange, and yellow shades, to create a warm atmosphere in your interiors. Cocoa, woody brown, taupe, golden glow, Indian yellow, sand, metallic bronze, and rust are only a few earth shades applied in this traditional art. Such hues communicate relaxation and calmness. Interior decorators usually use these colors in areas where you need to bring an inviting and friendly ambiance, including the living room and dining room. Bedrooms, bathrooms, and other leisure areas will also feel more comfortable with these shades. Lastly, earth tones are matte and not reflective of the light, so welcome natural light into your interiors to keep your surroundings bright.

Sobre o produto:

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1 a 4 dias úteis
Tipo de produto:
Papel de parede (também disponível como impressão em tela, poster)
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Escolha a qualidade do papel de parede e receba uma amostra do mesmo diretamente na sua caixa de correio. Normalmente, o prazo de entrega é de 4 a 8 dias úteis.

Preço: 2 €/unidades


Enviamos a sua embalagem no prazo de 1 a 4 dias: O seu papel de parede é embalado cuidadosamente numa caixa de cartão resistente e enviado gratuitamente no prazo de 1 a 4 dias. Será enviado um e-mail de confirmação de entrega quando o seu papel de parede tiver sido enviado.

Podemos editar a sua imagem

Quer alterar as cores, adicionar artigos ou alterar as proporções? Os nossos hábeis artistas gráficos podem personalizar a imagem de várias formas diferentes.