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Planet Earth at Night

Sleep deeply and dream softly with this Planet Earth at Night Wallpaper. This wall art looks incredible due to the shimmering stars in the dark skies and the magnificent planet earth. The earth’s water portion soaks in marine blue, while the land portion sparkles with seemingly gold glitters. It is perfect for homeowners who want a room makeover for their children or to add celestial beauty to the common areas in their homes. Anyone who enters your office or home interior will see that outer space has a magical beauty.

Planet Earth at Night Wallpaper makes nighttime exciting

The night’s blue charcoal colors and the planet’s navy-blue shades will bring the beauty of the night to your room. Night, when used as a theme for your interior design, can set a restful mood in any room. Such a theme feels psychologically comfortable because night represents the opportunity to rest, renew your mind and body, and prepare for tomorrow. The night also reminds people of a silent moment when the town is not yet noisy, and people are not yet busy. Bring this relaxing ambiance to your space. In addition, this astronomy wallpaper’s blue charcoal shade will make your surroundings a little darker. Dim surroundings can make your family and guests feel cozy. It promotes good sleep, allowing you and your family to relax and think calmly. Nevertheless, the beautiful blue glow emitted by the earth’s surface makes this wallpaper an eye-catching focal point.

Astronomy-inspired home décor ideas

You can create a fun environment for kids or a stylish and cozy interior for adults using this planet wall décor. Consider an astronomy-inspired bedroom for your kids using this wallpaper. Some home décor ideas for this theme are a moon-shaped lamp, a planet clock, a galaxy bedding sheet, a planetarium lamp, and glow-in-the-dark decorations. Opt for fairy lights, moon-inspired carpets, galaxy curtains, and a constellation globe if you want a celestial style but still maintain a mature look. The colors that work well with this Planet Earth at Night Wallpaper are white, greenish-gray shades, and pastel pink. On the other hand, you can match it with deep browns and oranges if you want to make your room more colorful.

Sobre o produto:

GI Collection
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Papel de parede (também disponível como impressão em tela, poster)
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Preço: 2 €/unidades


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